Workplace Wellbeing

Stress, depression, anxiety and musculoskeletal disorders account for the majority of days lost due to work-related illness. The office of national statistics estimates that 149.3 million working days were lost during 2021/22, the equivalent of 4.6 days per worker.
According to the Mental Health Foundation:
1 in 7 people experience mental health problems in the workplace
Women in full-time employment are almost twice as likely to have common mental health problems as full-time employed men (19.8% Vs 10.9%)
Evidence suggests that 12.7% of all sickness days in the UK are attributed to mental health conditions.
The CIPD 2022 Health and Wellbeing at work survey identified the top three benefits of employers increasing their focus on employee Wellbeing as:
A healthier and more inclusive culture.
Better work-life balance.
Better employee morale and engagement.
As discussed by health and Wellbeing shouldn't have to be treated as an ‘add-on’ or ‘nice-to-have’ activity by organisations – if employers place employee Wellbeing at the centre of their business model and view it as the vital source of value creation, the dividends for organisational health can be significant.
From Meditation to massage we have everything needed to design bespoke in-house wellbeing sessions and days for you and your team.